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- /* General purpose software timer facilities
- * Copyright 1991 Phil Karn, KA9Q
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "global.h"
- #include "timer.h"
- #include "proc.h"
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #include "commands.h"
- #include "daemon.h"
- #include "hardware.h"
- #include "socket.h"
- /* Head of running timer chain.
- * The list of running timers is sorted in increasing order of expiration;
- * i.e., the first timer to expire is always at the head of the list.
- */
- static struct timer *Timers;
- static void t_alarm __ARGS((void *x));
- /* Process that handles clock ticks */
- void
- timerproc(i,v1,v2)
- int i;
- void *v1,*v2;
- {
- register struct timer *t;
- register struct timer *expired;
- void (**vf)__ARGS((void));
- int i_state;
- int tmp;
- for(;;){
- /* Atomic read and decrement of Tick */
- for(;;){
- i_state = dirps();
- tmp = Tick;
- if(tmp != 0){
- Tick--;
- restore(i_state);
- break;
- }
- restore(i_state);
- pwait(&Tick);
- }
- if(!istate()){
- restore(1);
- printf("timer: ints were off!\n");
- }
- /* Call the functions listed in config.c */
- for(vf = Cfunc;*vf != NULL;vf++)
- (*vf)();
- pwait(NULL); /* Let them all do their writes */
- if(Timers == NULLTIMER)
- continue; /* No active timers, all done */
- /* Initialize null expired timer list */
- expired = NULLTIMER;
- /* Move expired timers to expired list. Note use of
- * subtraction and comparison to zero rather than the
- * more obvious simple comparison; this avoids
- * problems when the clock count wraps around.
- */
- while(Timers != NULLTIMER && (Clock - Timers->expiration) >= 0){
- if(Timers->next == Timers){
- printf("PANIC: Timer loop at %lx\n",
- (long)Timers);
- iostop();
- exit(1);
- }
- /* Save Timers since stop_timer will change it */
- t = Timers;
- stop_timer(t);
- t->state = TIMER_EXPIRE;
- /* Add to expired timer list */
- t->next = expired;
- expired = t;
- }
- /* Now go through the list of expired timers, removing each
- * one and kicking the notify function, if there is one
- */
- while((t = expired) != NULLTIMER){
- expired = t->next;
- if(t->func){
- (*t->func)(t->arg);
- }
- }
- pwait(NULL); /* Let them run before handling more ticks */
- }
- }
- /* Start a timer */
- void
- start_timer(t)
- struct timer *t;
- {
- register struct timer *tnext;
- struct timer *tprev = NULLTIMER;
- if(t == NULLTIMER)
- return;
- if(t->state == TIMER_RUN)
- stop_timer(t);
- if(t->duration == 0)
- return; /* A duration value of 0 disables the timer */
- t->expiration = Clock + t->duration;
- t->state = TIMER_RUN;
- /* Find right place on list for this guy. Once again, note use
- * of subtraction and comparison with zero rather than direct
- * comparison of expiration times.
- */
- for(tnext = Timers;tnext != NULLTIMER;tprev=tnext,tnext = tnext->next){
- if((tnext->expiration - t->expiration) >= 0)
- break;
- }
- /* At this point, tprev points to the entry that should go right
- * before us, and tnext points to the entry just after us. Either or
- * both may be null.
- */
- if(tprev == NULLTIMER)
- Timers = t; /* Put at beginning */
- else
- tprev->next = t;
- t->next = tnext;
- }
- /* Stop a timer */
- void
- stop_timer(timer)
- struct timer *timer;
- {
- register struct timer *t;
- struct timer *tlast = NULLTIMER;
- if(timer == NULLTIMER || timer->state != TIMER_RUN)
- return;
- /* Verify that timer is really on list */
- for(t = Timers;t != NULLTIMER;tlast = t,t = t->next)
- if(t == timer)
- break;
- if(t == NULLTIMER)
- return; /* Should probably panic here */
- /* Delete from active timer list */
- if(tlast != NULLTIMER)
- tlast->next = t->next;
- else
- Timers = t->next; /* Was first on list */
- t->state = TIMER_STOP;
- }
- /* Return milliseconds remaining on this timer */
- int32
- read_timer(t)
- struct timer *t;
- {
- int32 remaining;
- if(t == NULLTIMER || t->state != TIMER_RUN)
- return 0;
- remaining = t->expiration - Clock;
- if(remaining <= 0)
- return 0; /* Already expired */
- else
- return remaining * MSPTICK;
- }
- void
- set_timer(t,interval)
- struct timer *t;
- int32 interval;
- {
- if(t == NULLTIMER)
- return;
- /* Round the interval up to the next full tick, and then
- * add another tick to guarantee that the timeout will not
- * occur before the interval is up. This is necessary because
- * we're asynchronous with the system clock.
- */
- if(interval != 0)
- t->duration = 1 + (interval + MSPTICK - 1)/MSPTICK;
- else
- t->duration = 0;
- }
- /* Delay process for specified number of milliseconds.
- * Normally returns 0; returns -1 if aborted by alarm.
- */
- int
- pause(ms)
- int32 ms;
- {
- int val;
- if(Curproc == NULLPROC || ms == 0)
- return 0;
- alarm(ms);
- /* The actual event doesn't matter, since we'll be alerted */
- while(Curproc->alarm.state == TIMER_RUN){
- if((val = pwait(Curproc)) != 0)
- break;
- }
- alarm(0L); /* Make sure it's stopped, in case we were killed */
- return (val == EALARM) ? 0 : -1;
- }
- static void
- t_alarm(x)
- void *x;
- {
- alert((struct proc *)x,EALARM);
- }
- /* Send signal to current process after specified number of milliseconds */
- void
- alarm(ms)
- int32 ms;
- {
- if(Curproc != NULLPROC){
- set_timer(&Curproc->alarm,ms);
- Curproc->alarm.func = t_alarm;
- Curproc->alarm.arg = (char *)Curproc;
- start_timer(&Curproc->alarm);
- }
- }
- /* Convert time count in seconds to printable days:hr:min:sec format */
- char *
- tformat(t)
- int32 t;
- {
- static char buf[17],*cp;
- unsigned int days,hrs,mins,secs;
- int minus;
- if(t < 0){
- t = -t;
- minus = 1;
- } else
- minus = 0;
- secs = t % 60;
- t /= 60;
- mins = t % 60;
- t /= 60;
- hrs = t % 24;
- t /= 24;
- days = t;
- if(minus){
- cp = buf+1;
- buf[0] = '-';
- } else
- cp = buf;
- sprintf(cp,"%u:%02u:%02u:%02u",days,hrs,mins,secs);
- return buf;
- }